Monday, July 5, 2010

New features announced.

Beginning this week, Working Title will be adding some different articles to our blog. We will do a Spotlight Series, where we focus on a different topic each time. The goal is to do at least one article a week to publish with that week's reviews. Here is what is planned for the next couple of weeks:

Spotlight Series:

Directors: We will focus on some of Hollywood's best known directors, and discuss their merits and failings while looking at their career. Future topics include: M. Night Shymalan, Peter Weir, and Takashii Miike.

Great Performances: I'll take a look at some of the best performances deserving of wider recognition. They might not have won any awards, but we will make sure to get the word out on these great performances. Future topics include performances by: Joseph Gordon Leavitt and Alan Rickman

I'll also have some articles from some other writers looking at the artistic side of some movies. Basically discussing color and composition and how these help relate the overall message of the film.

Further in the future, we will also be announcing genre celebrations where we will take the whole month and focus on certain types of films, even inducting a few into our Hall of Fame. Examples include a Pixar month or even a Sequel month where we only look at sequels.

Just some ideas we are throwing around here at Working Title. Let me know what you think and if you have any ideas you may want to share. You can always email me at

Thanks for the support.


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